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Are Twenty-Five Years Long Enough? Diversity: Managing DifferencesDiversity: Managing RepresentationLegacy of Diversity
June 30, 2023

Are Twenty-Five Years Long Enough?

PREFACE Personally, I am pro-Affirmative Action; however, I also know that Affirmative Action has a limited life expectancy. I believe that an orderly transition is preferable to one characterized by divisiveness and turmoil. Toward that end, I have sought in this statement to stimulate thought and dialogue that can facilitate development of effective transition strategies for our country and its…
Everyone Should Be A Diversity Practitioner Diversity: Managing Workplace CultureLegacy of Diversity
February 27, 2018

Everyone Should Be A Diversity Practitioner

Moving among corporations and their Chief Diversity Officers (CDOs), I seldom see strategies designed to empower individuals at all levels as “diversity practitioners.”  When I do discover such a strategy, I do not find the necessary follow-up to assure that these strategies are applied and practiced sufficiently to build capability with diversity management. Instead, I often see individuals only vaguely…
“Best Practices”: A Viable Strategy Approach? Legacy of Diversity
December 14, 2017

“Best Practices”: A Viable Strategy Approach?

Over the years, I have observed that diversity practitioners — whether launching a diversity thrust or building on existing efforts — frequently seek out "best practices" data. They at a minimum consider adopting practices from their findings, or look to qualify to be on a "best practices" list. Is this approach to developing a diversity management strategy effective?   6…
Legacy of Diversity Legacy of Diversity
November 30, 2017

Legacy of Diversity

SDMS 360 is pleased to announce our Legacy of Diversity series. Our featured contributor is Dr. R. Roosevelt Thomas, Jr., and our first post is his article, The Shamming of Diversity.  As the Father of Diversity, we thought it fitting to include Dr. Thomas' voice in the ongoing conversation on Diversity Management. While these articles were written several years earlier, they are just…